Most people aren’t aware of the FOG they can put their plumbing system through – and we aren’t talking about the weather. Fats, Oils, and Grease are three of the most detrimental items to shove down your sink. Disposing of these items in the garbage can greatly reduce your plumbing problems.
What’s the Problem with FOG?
One of the most common plumbing myths is that you are able to wisk away cooled FOG with some hot soapy water. Yes, it will go down, but the it becomes a stubborn, sticky issue when the debris cools, which allows it to coagulate. Then, you’ve got a nasty clogged mess.
That’s the trouble with all fats, greases and oils. These materials cling stubbornly to your pipes that cannot be removed with hot water or running your garbage disposal, which only breaks the debris into smaller pieces. As more and more of this yucky mess heads down your pipes, the more FOG builds up and can eventually restrict your water flow, creating slower drains and clogging your system. The surefire way to avoid these clogs is to dispose of any FOG into the garbage can.
3 Ways to Avoid FOG in Your Plumbing System
Here are some ways to avoid FOG in your pipes, as recommended by St. Matthews Plumbing:
- Dispose of all food debris into the trash, instead of down your drain.
- Use a strainer in your sink. This catches all little bits of debris before they hit your pipes!
- Can the grease. Never put grease or oil down your drain. Drain it into an empty can after it cools then toss it in the garbage. No mess necessary!
More questions about your plumbing? Contact St. Matthews and schedule an appointment today!