When that leaky faucet happens, what is your reaction? Do you ignore it and put it off until you can hear the drip, drip, drip from the other room? Do you head to the hardware store to fix that loose seal? Or are you quick to jump on the phone with St. Matthews Plumbing? You may think that a minor irritant such as a leaky faucet isn’t a big deal, but it can be.
Why Call the Plumber?
Besides the fact that it is a nuisance, leaky faucets can waste thousands of gallons of water a year — that’s enough to fill a swimming pool! Whatever you do, don’t let leak continue. It’s best to seek the opinion and expertise of a professional at the first sign of a leaky faucet or a running commode, among other things.
St. Matthews possesses the expertise and training of a professional plumber. By giving a professional a call, you are electing to get the job done right even if it is a simple procedure such as a leaky faucet.
Here are a few more scenarios in which you should call a plumber:
- Low Water Pressure Throughout the House. This can mean a variety of things, but you most likely have rust or debris trapped in your pipes, which slows the flow of water through the faucets.
- No Hot Water. Brrr… Don’t take a cold shower! Your tank might be leaking or have a bad heating element. Call St. Matthews Plumbing immediately.
- Frozen Pipes. This topic is ever-so popular this time of year. Please do not attempt to thaw frozen pipes yourself. Rely on a professional to advise you and do the work for you.
St. Matthews Plumbing has trained professionals that are available to help you through any incident, big or small, leaky or downright clogged. If you are concerned, your plumbing system might need a check up, give us a call! Click here to schedule an appointment or give us a call at (502) 822-5350.