Most people aren't aware of the FOG they can put their plumbing system through - and we aren't talking about the weather. Fats, Oils, and Grease are three of the most detrimental items to shove down your sink. Disposing of these items in the garbage can greatly reduce your plumbing problems. …
How to Keep Your Garbage Disposal in Shape this Holiday Season
The holidays are here, and with the festivities brings parties, guests, cooking, and baking! It's a wonderful time of year to enjoy gatherings, but it also puts wear and tear on all appliances - namely, your garbage disposal. Think about all that action your sink gets around this time of year. …
Signs that You Need a New Garbage Disposal
Thanksgiving was just last week and now Christmas is right around the corner! Are you ready? Hopefully, you have selected your menu, crafted your tablescape and sorted all the sleeping arrangements for traveling loved ones. But, have you checked your garbage disposal? Yes, you heard right. The …